Dynamic sales- How to be great at sales with no pressure!

In the session online, we start with practical guidance in closing techniques, buying signals, negotiation, link selling, - key elements that have proven to increase sales.

What to expect from this webinar

Close more sales! This Dynamic Sales session tackles sales from the end of the sale, the close.This is the area which seems to cause issues for people when in selling mode.

The programme is packed with selling techniques which you can use in your business immediately and is useful for business owners and others in your team who must be able to convince and gently persuade customers to buy your goods and services

In the session online, we start with practical guidance in closing techniques, buying signals, negotiation, link selling, - key elements that have proven to increase sales.

We then look at a thorough grounding in all other aspects of the sales process, how to engage well, what to say, how to question, develop key messages etc. Delegates leave with several sales points to try; more confidence; and a willingness to chase and close each sales opportunity.

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Essential Info

21st November 2024

09:00 - 11:00



Digital Marketing, E-commerce, Sales, Starting Up.


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