Generating ideas for your business

Wanting to start up a business/go self-employed but don’t have an idea to focus on? Here we'll look at idea generation, how to validate these ideas and how to decide which (if any) to pursue.

What to expect from this webinar

Many people would like to start their own business but don’t have a business idea to focus on. This session will help you:

1. Clarify your motivation behind starting your own business

2. Appreciate your skills and experiences

3. Use a range of techniques for generating new business ideas

4. Gain an appreciation of how to evaluate these ideas

5. Prepare to get started!

This webinar will be held on GoToMeeting.

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Essential Info

22nd April 2022

14:00 - 16:00

National (all regions)


Starting Up.

National Webinar - Available across Scotland

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