Mindful Movement

Join us this Mental Health Awareness Week and take some time out with Lianne Stewart to focus on your health & wellbeing.

What to expect from this webinar

Gentle mindful movement to ease you into your day. Start your day connecting to your body and breath, paying attention to how you feel and what you need from the day. Morning movement stretches out the kinks and tension that settle in overnight, we can find space and ease in the body which eases the mind too. An early dose of movement also helps to energise us, improves clarity and focus, giving us a helping hand towards a great day. Instead of starting your day harried and tense take a moment to breathe and steady yourself.

The session is suitable for all, no touching of toes or gym gear required.

This session will be held on GoToWebinar.

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Essential Info

18th May 2023

08:30 - 08:50

National (all regions)



National Webinar - Available across Scotland

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