Mindfulness to Anchor

Join us this Mental Health Awareness Week and take some time out with Lianne Stewart to focus on your health & wellbeing.

What to expect from this webinar

Often when we are caught in states of stress, overwhelm and anxious thoughts we can’t see anything but the cause of our panic. Mindfulness practices and meditation have the sole purpose of connecting us to the present moment. What that really means is we can be aware, even in the grips of a stress response, of what is happening, our thoughts, our bodies, our surroundings, what’s being said etc. Being able to anchor in the moment creates a separation, a pause, a chance for us to notice that we are not the stress or the anxious thought, and we can respond in a way that supports us as we move into the next moment rather than reacting and likely creating more stress. In this session we’ll play with a couple of mindfulness practices, informal and formal, so you have tools to anchor you as you move through your day.

No prior experience of mindfulness is required and contrary to popular belief you do not need to be able to stop your thoughts.

This session will be held on GoToWebinar.

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Essential Info

17th May 2023

08:30 - 08:50

National (all regions)



National Webinar - Available across Scotland

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