Non-Salesy Sales (AKA Marketing for Introverts) (Neurodiverse Minds)

For those who dread the element of selling themselves or their products... Here's a workshop teaching you that sales don't need to be sales-y!

What to expect from this webinar

If the thought of selling yourself makes you cringe, this workshop is for you. Perhaps marketing is the task which keeps on dropping off the bottom of your To Do List, because you hate it? If so, this workshop is for you!

You'll come out with:

  • A changed mindset about selling yourself and your business
  • Some ideas to avoid social burnout whilst running your business
  • Ways to sell without being sales-y
  • Effective techniques to make sure your sales & marketing runs consistently

NB: This online session is for Edinburgh & The Lothians based businesses. If you have additional support needs, please let us know what we can do to help you enjoy this session as much as possible - let us know when you book.

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Essential Info

10th October 2024

15:00 - 17:00

East Lothian, Edinburgh, Midlothian, West Lothian


Advertising & Marketing, Digital Marketing, Social Media, Wellbeing.


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