PR Masterclass

Discover how to generate free coverage in newspapers and on radio and television along with a look at other valuable PR tools to help raise your profile.

What to expect from this webinar

This workshop is led by former broadcaster and journalist Colin Kelly. He will show you how to identify and develop the most interesting stories within your business and then use them to achieve free, positive coverage in the mainstream media.

Topics covered include:

  • How the media works and how it can help small businesses
  • What makes an interesting story?
  • How to define your key messages
  • Speak about your business with confidence
  • Improve your television and radio interview skills
  • Take control and make sure you’re not misquoted
  • Write press releases that get used by the media
  • Build a ‘media friendly’ strategy for your business

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Essential Info

14th August 2024

09:30 - 11:30



Growing your business, PR & Communications.


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