Practical Social Media - LinkedIn

Want to boost your business with LinkedIn? Join our workshop to learn practical strategies for marketing your business and promoting your brand on LinkedIn.

What to expect from this event

LinkedIn is no longer just an online CV; it can be an incredibly powerful and profitable business tool. In this hands-on workshop, discover how to leverage LinkedIn to enhance your business’s reputation and achieve your marketing and branding goals.

During this workshop, you will:

  • Learn how to create a LinkedIn strategy to boost your business reputation through targeted marketing and brand promotion initiatives.
  • Understand the differences between personal and company profiles and how to optimise them for maximum visibility and brand awareness.
  • Discover that content is king on LinkedIn, and learn how to plan and produce captivating content that enriches your brand, with practical exercises and real-world examples.
  • Receive real-time feedback on your current profile with suggestions on how to improve it for immediate business benefit.

Join us for this interactive workshop and leave with actionable skills and knowledge to elevate your business’s presence on LinkedIn.

Want to find more local support?

Visit Business Gateway Ayrshire

Essential Info

18th September 2024

10:00 - 12:30

In Person

Business Gateway Office (Kilmarnock)
Ingram Enterprise Centre, 30 John Finnie Street
East Ayrshire

Advertising & Marketing, Digital Marketing, Growing your business, Social Media.


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