Webinars, live streams, and video conferences: Running a business remotely – DigitalBoost

Using online platforms to communicate and stream services is now key for all businesses. Join us to learn how to maximise this new trend and get results.

What to expect from this webinar

There are many tools available to allow you to communicate with people online. Whether you are trying to run a workshop or seminar, hold a meeting or just communicate. Many of these digital tools are easy to use and offer some powerful facilities. Let us guide you through:

  • What webinars, live streams and video conferences are and what is right for your business
  • Case studies and examples of how they are used
  • An overview of the tools and platforms currently available

Please note: A link to access the webinar will be sent to you in your booking confirmation email. You may need to look in your ‘Clutter’ or ‘Spam’ folder to find it.

This is a ‘DigitalBoost’ event which is funded by Digital Scotland and delivered by Business Gateway.

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Essential Info

22nd April 2022

10:00 - 11:30

National (all regions)


Digital Marketing.

National Webinar - Available across Scotland

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