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Expert advice to help entrepreneurs grow their business

Applications are open for Business Women Scotland’s Programme for Growth, running virtually from 9-11 March.

25th February 2021

Women ready to scale up their business but unsure how to take the next step can now receive expert advice and analysis to head in the right direction.

Applications are open for Business Women Scotland’s Programme for Growth, running virtually from 9-11 March.

Supported by Royal Bank of Scotland and Scotland Can Do, the three-day course allows participants the opportunity to take time out of their business to work on it. As well as talks and seminars on strategy and business planning, there’s advice on decision making, motivation and all-important finance.

There’s also a unique chance to present your business to a panel of specialists who can offer bespoke guidance.

Rickie Tank took part in Programme for Growth after setting up Home Help Me Care with Diane Francey. Providing care at home services for older people in the Edinburgh area, including those with dementia, the business launched with less than £500 of funding in 2017, going on to turn over £1.2m in just over three years. Rickie puts those figures down to the success of participating in Programme for Growth.

“We wanted to grow our business and, like many business owners, were so invested in working in the business we weren’t spending enough time developing and shaping our future growth,” said Rickie.

“Pitching to a panel of business experts helped us validate that we had good core values, we needed to propel forward and we shouldn’t hesitate to sell ourselves as a premium care service.

“We went straight on to conclude a lease on a new office and undertake a £40,000 renovation. Programme for Growth gave us the confidence to make such a big investment, an important step in locating ourselves in the heart of our community.”

The women met Ros Taylor of RCT Leadership at Programme for Growth and went on to work with her on executive coaching. They also made contacts with Royal Bank of Scotland key contacts and joined RBS Accelerator.

“A huge benefit was meeting other female entrepreneurs and we have gone on to collaborate with Michelle Milne of Property Studios, who we worked with to design our new shop front and essentially redefine our brand,” added Rickie.

“And Celia Joicey of Dovecot Studios arranged access to art exhibitions for our clients. Some have dementia and having access to the arts warms their hearts as they recall their favourite artists.

“There’s a lot to be said for meeting like-minded female leaders, we thank Business Women Scotland for starting us on our journey.”

Programme for Growth launched in 2019 to encourage entrepreneurs at the crucial growth stage of their business, boosting prosperity and ultimately creating jobs.

“We want to help women grow their business and develop them to the next level,” said Lynne Kennedy MBE, founder of Business Women Scotland.

“By bringing like-minded business owners together, Programme for Growth allows them to share experiences and opportunities. The end result is women moving forward confidently to expand their business.”

To apply for a place on Programme for Growth, visit https://bwsltd.co.uk/

Business Women Scotland is an organisation dedicated to helping women find support and networking opportunities to allow them to strengthen their business. As well as a bi-monthly digital magazine supporting women in business, Business Women Scotland also runs a series of live virtual events and awards to celebrate and empower women in business while tackling the gender gap in enterprise.