Video for business

Video content is the marketing tool of the moment. It is a really engaging way of showcasing your business to both existing customers and potential new ones.

Online Tutorial

15 min read

3 chapters

Digital Marketing


The beauty of video is it allows you to get more information across, quickly and in a more exciting way than traditional static formats. They don’t require a big budget, or loads of equipment and can be used flexibly across a number of different platforms, across social, digital, presentations or outdoor media spaces. Once you have an idea of what video content would work for your business objectives, our tutorial will show you how to produce it.

This tutorial will assist you with:

  • How to plan and prepare for a shoot
  • What equipment you might need, and;
  • How to share the finished product with your audience.

DigitalBoost is funded by Digital Scotland and delivered by Business Gateway.

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