Case Studies

Aberdeen gin producer toasts export success

Raven Spirits turned to Business Gateway for funding and resource support.

13th February 2020

About the business

An Aberdeenshire gin producer has started exporting to key Asian markets thanks to strategic advice and support from Business Gateway. In 2019, Raven Spirits signed an export agreement to send consignments of its two award-winning gins to Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau.

The impact of Business Gateway’s support has been immense, it helped us to achieve our goal of exporting years earlier than if we had done it alone.

How Business Gateway has helped

Working closely with Business Gateway, Raven Spirts were supported with a successful application for funding from Scottish Enterprise, which allowed Peter and his team to research and visit their chosen markets helping to seal their first export agreement.

Raven Spirits also took advantage of a full breadth of specialist Business Gateway support including, innovation and international exporting support and access to website guides.

Peter Sim, director of Raven Spirits said: “The impact of Business Gateway’s support has been immense, it helped us to achieve our goal of exporting years earlier than if we had done it alone.

“After engaging with the team for two years, we have gained knowledge, had access to targeted help and received reassurance that our products will be successful in new international markets.”

Bill Hogarty, business adviser with Business Gateway Aberdeen City & Shire, commented: “In order to meet its goal of exporting to international markets, Raven Spirits has taken advantage of the full breadth of specialist support Business Gateway can offer.

“Through regular one-to-one advice sessions, I was able to help Peter complete applications, resolve any issues and arrange meetings with key advisers from Scottish Enterprise and Scottish Development International.”

Support provided

1:1 Business Adviser or Support

Advice on Funding

International/Exporting Support

Accessed Website Business Guides

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