Your Sector

Education, Training & HR

These resources have been selected to provide information on the Education, Training & HR industry in Scotland. Your local Business Gateway office can help you connect with other organisations and support networks to help you further your idea or business.

Skills Development Scotland

Skills Development Scotland is the national skills body. We work with our partners to provide services that deliver the very best outcomes for Scotland’s people, businesses and the economy. Watch our video to learn more about what we do.

Scottish Qualifications Authority

Providing products and services in skills, training and education which positively impact on individuals, organisations and society.

Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework

The Scottish Qualifications Framework helps people of all ages and circumstances to access the education and training that is appropriate to them over their lifetime. It can help you plan your learning and develop progression routes to follow, whatever your situation may be.

Scottish Childminding Association

The Scottish Childminding Association (SCMA) is the only organisation dedicated to supporting childminders in Scotland. Their aim is to promote childminding as a quality Early Learning and Childcare service.

National Day Nurseries Association Scotland

NDNA has a committed and enthusiastic nursery member base in Scotland representing 55% of private day nurseries and with 15 Scotland-based local member networks. They support Scottish nurseries and are a strategic partner to the Scottish Government, supporting policy development and the implementation of Early Learning and Childcare strategy.

Care Inspectorate

The Care Inspectorate is a scrutiny body which supports improvement. That means we look at the quality of care in Scotland to ensure it meets high standards. Where we find that improvement is needed, we support services to make positive changes.

The Institution of Occupational Safety & Health

IOSH acts as a champion, supporter, adviser, advocate and trainer for safety and health professionals working in organisations of all sizes. We give the safety and health profession a consistent, independent, authoritative voice at the highest levels.

British Safety Industry Federation

The British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) is the UK's leading trade body within the safety industry. We have members including manufacturers, distributors, test houses, certification bodies, safety professionals and service providers.

Association for Coaching

Our purpose is to inspire and champion coaching excellence, to advance the coaching profession and make a sustainable difference to individuals, organizations and society.

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

The professional body for HR and people development.

Musicians Union

The Musicians' Union is a trade union run for its 30,000 members.

Scottish Association for Music Education

The Scottish Association for Music Education (SAME) is the professional association which represents all those involved in music education with a global responsibility.

The Recruitment and Employment Confederation

The REC provides recruitment businesses with a wide range of training, legal, business and accreditation services.

Association of Recruitment Consultancies

ARC was launched in 2009 as a professional trade association representing recruitment consultancies across all sectors.

Learning and Work Institute

We are an independent policy, research and development organisation dedicated to lifelong learning, full employment and inclusion. We bring together over 90 years of combined history and heritage from the ‘National Institute of Adult Continuing Education’ (NIACE) and the ‘Centre for Economic & Social Inclusion’.

The Scottish Training Federation

The Scottish Training Federation (STF) represents over 140 training providers operating in the field of work based training across Scotland.

DigitalBoost – Digital Skills and Training for SMEs

Helping businesses across Scotland with free advice, workshops, 1:1 expert support, online tools, guides and a quick healthcheck to assess your digital strengths and weaknesses.

Scottish Government – Business Support

Guidance on the policies and interventions in place to support Scottish SMEs.

Healthy Working Lives

Healthy Working Lives is the place to come to if you are an employer in Scotland looking for workplace health, safety and wellbeing information.

Highlands and Islands Enterprise

Support agency for the Northern regions of Scotland which focusses on Innovation, trading internationally, funding/investment, skills development and more.

Scottish Enterprise

Focussed on assisting businesses who are looking to accelerate and grow through exporting, developing products and services, funding and business development.

Scotland IS

From innovative technology start-ups and global online service businesses that are transforming our lives to the universities that train our skilled people, ScotlandIS has developed a thriving membership and community for the economic benefit of everyone.

Skills Development Scotland

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is Scotland’s national skills body. They contribute to Scotland’s sustainable economic growth by supporting people and businesses to develop and apply their skills.

Business Loans Scotland

Loans from 25K to 100K for new and growing Scottish SMEs.

Young Scot – National Youth Arts Fund

Grants to nurture creative talent in young people aged between 14 and 20 years old.

Zero Waste Scotland

Support, funding, campaigns and other interventions to help people and businesses reduce waste and be more efficient with resources.

Heritage Lottery Fund

Funding projects that connect people and communities to the national, regional and local heritage of the UK.

Just Enterprise

Just Enterprise is a consortium formed from Scotland's key social enterprise support agencies. Collectively, they are able to provide expert Start Up, Business Support, Business Recovery, Procurement, Leadership and Learning Services, to third sector organisations across the length and breadth of the country.

Princes Trust Scotland

Every young person should have the chance to succeed. PTS help young people in Scotland get into education, jobs and start businesses.

Search this website to find out about what other business support may be available to you.

Women’s Business Centre

Led by Women’s Enterprise Scotland this centre is to help women achieve their business aspirations, make connections, up-skill and get support.