Your Sector

Information & Communication Services

These resources have been selected to provide information on the Information & Communication Services industry in Scotland. Your local Business Gateway office can help you connect with other organisations and support networks to help you further your idea or business.

The Data Lab

The Data Lab enables industry, the public sector and world-class academics to innovate and develop new data science capabilities in a collaborative environment.

CivTech Scotland

CivTech® brings together public sector expertise and private sector creativity to solve real problems, develop new products, and deliver better, faster and easier services for everyone.

DHI (Digital Health & Care Institute)

Our focus is creating person centred, innovative and digital, solutions that will have a positive impact on society.

The App Association represents more than 5,000 app companies and information technology firms across the mobile economy.

App Developers Alliance

Offer a huge and very varied range of different guides, articles and news stories that are going to offer you all important help and advice on every aspect of App design, from start to finish.


BASDA is an industry trade body focused solely on supporting the issues of UK business software development organisations.

Association of Software Professionals

The ASP is a professional trade association of software developers who are creating and marketing leading-edge applications.


ScotlandIS represents and supports businesses and organisations creating & delivering digital products and services.


CodeBase is the largest technology incubator in the UK.

CodeClan: Digital Skills & Coding Academy

Kick-starting digital careers and strengthening technical teams.

Girl Geek Scotland

A network and community for those working and studying in creativity, computing, enterprise, and related sectors in Scotland.

British Interactive Media Association

BIMA is Britain's digital community. We drive innovation and excellence across the digital industry.

Digital Media Association

DiMA is the digital media & streaming association.

The Advertising Association

The Advertising Association promotes the rights, roles and responsibilities of advertising.

BSA – The Software Alliance

BSA is the leading advocate for the global software industry before governments and in the international marketplace.

ARPAS-UK – The UK Drone Association

ARPAS-UK is the professional body and trade association for the fast evolving RPAS industry, working on behalf of its members to influence regulation and promote safe operational best practice.

Royal Aeronautical Society

The world’s only professional body dedicated to the aerospace community, we exist to further the advancement of aeronautical art, science and engineering around the world.

The British Association of Remote Sensing Companies

Promoting the Expertise of British-Based Earth Observation Companies & Organisations.

DigitalBoost – Digital Skills and Training for SMEs

Helping businesses across Scotland with free advice, workshops, 1:1 expert support, online tools, guides and a quick healthcheck to assess your digital strengths and weaknesses.

Scottish Government – Business Support

Guidance on the policies and interventions in place to support Scottish SMEs.

Healthy Working Lives

Healthy Working Lives is the place to come to if you are an employer in Scotland looking for workplace health, safety and wellbeing information.

Highlands and Islands Enterprise

Support agency for the Northern regions of Scotland which focusses on Innovation, trading internationally, funding/investment, skills development and more.

Scottish Enterprise

Focussed on assisting businesses who are looking to accelerate and grow through exporting, developing products and services, funding and business development.

Scotland IS

From innovative technology start-ups and global online service businesses that are transforming our lives to the universities that train our skilled people, ScotlandIS has developed a thriving membership and community for the economic benefit of everyone.

Skills Development Scotland

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is Scotland’s national skills body. They contribute to Scotland’s sustainable economic growth by supporting people and businesses to develop and apply their skills.

Business Loans Scotland

Loans from 25K to 100K for new and growing Scottish SMEs.

Young Scot – National Youth Arts Fund

Grants to nurture creative talent in young people aged between 14 and 20 years old.

Zero Waste Scotland

Support, funding, campaigns and other interventions to help people and businesses reduce waste and be more efficient with resources.

Heritage Lottery Fund

Funding projects that connect people and communities to the national, regional and local heritage of the UK.

Just Enterprise

Just Enterprise is a consortium formed from Scotland's key social enterprise support agencies. Collectively, they are able to provide expert Start Up, Business Support, Business Recovery, Procurement, Leadership and Learning Services, to third sector organisations across the length and breadth of the country.

Princes Trust Scotland

Every young person should have the chance to succeed. PTS help young people in Scotland get into education, jobs and start businesses.

Search this website to find out about what other business support may be available to you.

Women’s Business Centre

Led by Women’s Enterprise Scotland this centre is to help women achieve their business aspirations, make connections, up-skill and get support.